Paul was born in Newcastle-upon-Tyne and grew up in County Durham. This left him with an accent that people find trustworthy, surveys have confirmed. It also left him with an allegiance to Newcastle United football club. Newcastle won their last major trophy months before he was born. In bleak moments, he wonders if this is his fault. After a degree in Southampton he worked in a variety of different jobs with mixed success. He's been a labourer for a roofer (rubbish), a labourer for a builder (he was keen, but rubbish), a waiter (really rubbish) and a barman (merely adequate). He's sold double glazing (rubbish), toys (not bad), and garden furniture (all right at that). Somehow he never got sacked-it must have been that trustworthy accent. Since then he's been a children's books editor (not bad at that, actually) and now he writes them for what may loosely be described as a living. Paul lives with his wife and two children in West Sussex.
1: What is a saint?
2: How to become a saint
3: Saint Andrew
4: Saint Ansgar
5: Saint Bernadette
6: Saint Brigid of Kildare
7: Saint Catherine of Alexandria
8: Saint Christopher
9: Saint David
10: Saint Francis of Assisi
11: Saint Francis Xavier
12: Saint George
14: Saint Joan of Arc
15: Saint John the Baptist
17: Saint Jude
18: Saints Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
19: Saint Michael
20: Saint Patrick
21: Saint Paul
22: Saint Peter
23: Saint Stephen
24: Saint Theresa of Ávila
25: Minor Saints