In the quiet suburban town of Stone Hollow, darkness lurks just beneath the surface. When a group of friends stumble upon an ancient evil during a summer outing, they unwittingly unleash a malevolent force that threatens to consume their lives. As strange occurrences and unsettling whispers plague the town, the friends must confront their deepest fears and unravel the dark history of the area. Guided by the enigmatic Mrs. Turner, they delve into forgotten rituals and uncover the chilling connections between Stone Hollow and its neighboring towns, including Ravenwood, where shadows and secrets intertwine. Armed with newfound knowledge and a bond forged in the fires of fear, they embark on a harrowing journey to cleanse the darkness from their lives. But as they face entities that feed on fear and despair, they must learn to harness their strength and confront the shadows that seek to reclaim them.
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