Extracts from four books which don’t even exist in the first place? Amazing idea. One is immediately reminded of predecessors like Stanislaw Lem’s “A Perfect Vacuum” or “Ficciones” by Jorge Luis Borges. In 1851 Sophie Meegal, a young girl from Edinburgh, skipped from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port in the French Pyrenees all the way to Santiago de Compostela. Three other adventurous individuals from Roncesvalles (Spain), Dulwich (England) and New York (USA) did the same on stilts, on a folding bike, and on a skateboard. Readers who lean back contentedly in their armchairs while learning about these breathtaking exploits in extracts from those diaries may ask themselves wistfully why they didn’t think of a similar idea in the first place. “Unputdownable – especially in zero gravity.” Pirx