Directing work
Introduction Richard Boon
Part I. Text and Context: 1. Portable Theatre: 'fine detail, rough theatre'. A personal memoir Tony Bicât
2. Keeping turning up: Hare's early career Richard Boon
3. In opposition: Hare's response to Thatcherism Lib Taylor
4. Hare's trilogy at the National: private moralities and the common good Les Wade
5. Hare's 'stage poetry', 1995-2002 Duncan Wu
6. 'Stopping for lunch': the political theatre of David Hare Peter Ansorge
Part II. Working with Hare: 7. Hare in collaboration: writing dialogues Cathy Turner
8. Acting Hare: The Permanent Way Bella Merlin
9. Directing Hare Richard Eyre
Part III. Hare on Screen: 10. 'Being taken no notice of in ten million homes': David Hare's adventures in television John Bull
11. Hare on film: an interview Richard Boon
Part IV. Overviews of Hare: 12. 'To ask how things might have been otherwise...': history and memory in the work of David Hare Steve Nicholson
13. Performing histories: Plenty and A Map of the World Janelle Reinelt
14. 'Marbled with doubt': satire, reality and the alpha male in the plays of David Hare Michael Mangan
15. 'Theatre and anti-theatre': David Hare and public speaking Chris Megson and Dan Rebellato.