Leslie Bethell (ed.)The Cambridge History of Latin America Vol 4
c.1870 to 1930
Herausgeber: Bethell, Leslie
1. Latin America and the international economy, 1870-1914 William Glade; 2.
Latin America and the international economy from the First World War to the
World Depression Rosemary Thorp; 3. Latin America, the United States and
the European powers, 1830-1930 Robert Freeman Smith; 4. The population of
Latin America, 1850-1930 Nicolás Sánchez-Albornoz; 5. Rural Spanish
America, 1870-1930 Arnold Bauer; 6. Plantation economies and societies in
the Spanish Caribbean, 1860-1930 Manuel Moreno Fraginals; 7. The growth of
Latin American cities, 1870-1930 James R. Scobie; 8. Industry in Latin
America before 1930 Colin M. Lewis; 9. The urban working class and early
Latin American labour movements, 1880-1930 Michael M. Hall, and Hobart A.
Spalding Jr; 10. Political and social ideas in Latin America, 1870-1930
Charles A. Hale; 11. The literature, music and art of Latin America,
1870-1930 Gerald Martin; 12. The Catholic Church in Latin America,
1830-1930 John Lynch.