18. Warfare, reorganization, and readaptation at the margins of Spanish
rule: the Chaco and Paraguay (1573-1882) James Schofield Saeger; 19.
Destruction, resistance and transformation: Southern, Coastal and Northern
Brazil, 1580-1890 Robin M. Wright and Manuela Carneiro de Cunha; 20. Native
peoples confront colonial regimes in Northeastern South America, c.
1500-1900 Neil L. Whitehead; 21. New peoples and new kinds of people:
adaptation, readjustment, and ethnogenesis in South American indigenous
societies (Colonial Era) Stuart B. Schwartz and Frank Salomon; 22. The
'Republic of Indians' in revolt (c. 1680-c. 1790) Luis Miguel Glave; 23.
Andean highland peasants and the trials of nation-making during the
nineteenth century Brooke Larson; 24. Indigenous peoples and the rise of
independent nation-states in lowland South America Jonathan D. Hill; 25.
Andean people in the twentieth century Xavier Albó; 26. Lowland peoples of
the twentieth century David Maybury-Lewis.