Calendar: chief items of Catholic interest in Henry James
Part I. Bibliographical Leads, Historical Considerations
Part II. Representing Catholicity: 1. The Protestant base
2. Liberalism
3. The picturesque
4. The question of religious audience
5. Sacred seculars in the tales
6. Sacred seculars: novel, letter, and notebook
7. Death and literary form
Part III. The Narratives of Catholic Conversion: 1. Watch and Ward (1871)
2. Italian sketches and Italian tales (1870-5)
3. Roderick Hudson (1875)
4. The American (1876-7)
5. Attenuations: The Reverberator (1888)
6. Supersubtlety one: What Maisie Knew (1897)
7. Supersubtlety two: The Turn of the Screw (1898)
Part IV. Pas de quatre: 1. Catholicity neat: 'Gabrielle de Bergerac' (1869)
2. Secularizing Catholicity: 'The Altar of the Dead' (1895)
3. Protestantizing Catholicity: 'The Great Good Place' (1900)
4. Satirizing secularity: 'The Birthplace (1903)
Part V. The Catholic Ménage as Literary Space: 1. 'De Grey: A Romance' (1868)
2. Guy Domville (1893, 1895)
3. The Golden Bowl (1904): the crown of his career
Part VI. 'Prove that I'm Not!' - Toward the Impossibility of Interpretation