Debra PierceThe Cda Prep Guide, Fourth Edition
The Complete Review Manual
Debra Pierce is an educator, CDA trainer, and certified professional development specialist. She is the professor of early childhood education at Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana. She is also a high education trainer for Child Care Aware of America.
About the Fourth Edition
Pursuing a CDA Credentrial
How to Use This Guide
Chapter 1: Facts about the Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential and
Chapter 2: A Word to Center-Based Program Directors: Supporting Your CDA
Chapter 3: Preparing for the CDA Process
Chapter 4: The CDA Process: Center-Based Preschool
Chapter 5: The CDA Process: Center-Based Infant/Toddler
Chapter 6: The CDA Process: Family Child Care
Chapter 7: Preparing for the CDA Exam
Chapter 8: The Verification Visit
Chapter 9: Award of the CDA Credential
Chapter 10: CDA Renewal and Earning a CDA Credential for a Different
Appendix A CDA Subject AReas for the 120 Clock Hours of Training
Appendix B Sample Observation Tool (Anecdotal Record Form)
Appendix C Sample Activity Plan Form
Appendix D Sample Weekly Activity Plan for Infants
Appendix E Sample WeeklyActivity Plan for Preschoolers and Toddlers
Appendix F Professional Philosphy Exercise