The morphological, aesthetic, semiotic, pragmatic and rhetorical choices of the newspapers betray their ideologies and give a good idea of the fantasies of an opinion whose doxa feeds on myths, dogmas and delusions characteristic of a society of which they are the reflection. This is the case of the media discourse around the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of Cameroon's independence which was the scene of antagonistic discursive positions. In spite of arguments that were a priori logical, there was a play between the construction of the self-image by the different newspapers and the perlocutionary effects exerted on the readers. Through the topic entitled: "Media-discursive constructions around the fiftieth anniversary of Cameroon's independence. A comparative study of Cameroon Tribune and Le Messager", we gather texts from the daily newspapers Le Messager and Cameroon Tribune published between January 2010 and May 2010. From an analytical point of view, the discourses of Cameroon Tribune and Le Messager aim not only at modifying the behaviour of the reader but also at better positioning themselves in the Cameroonian political field.