Main description:
Many of the cerebellar scientists of the established generation have contributed substantially to the quality of this issue. In addition, the book is marked by chapters from the coming generations of scientists who will determine the direction of cerebellar research for the next century. As in other fields of neuroscience, this research will be dominated by molecular neurobiology and new functional imaging techniques. Altogether, the book is pluriform and unique in that it is multidisciplinary, in that it promotes different views on cerebellar function, and that it is being published on the verge of different era's dominated by different generations of cerebellar scientists. The wealth of new information and ideas contained in these important papers will stimulate even more intensive research in the twenty-first century leading to a greater understanding of cerebellar function(s).
Table of contents:
List of contributors. Preface. Acknowledgements. I.
Development and compartmentation of cerebellar cortex.
1. Functional cloning of candidate genes that regulate purkinje
cell-specific gene expression. 2. Transverse and longitudinal
patterns in the mammalian cerebellum. 3. An anatomical model of
cerebellar modules. II. Neurotransmission in cerebellar
cortex. 4. The distribution of corticotropin-releasing factor
(CRF), CRF binding sites and CRF1 receptor mRNA in the
mouse cerebellum. 5. The physiological effects of serotonin on
spontaneous and amino acid-induced activation of cerebellar
nuclear cells: an in vivo study in the cat. 6. Cholinergic
innervation and receptors in the cerebellum. 7. Molecular
organization of cerebellar glutamate synapses. 8.
Compartmentalised distribution of GABAA and glutamate
receptors in relation to transmitter release sites on the surface
of cerebellar neurons. III. Unipolar brush cells in cerebellar
cortex. 9. The unipolar brush cells of the mammalian
cerebellum and cochlear nucleus: cytology and microcircuitry. 10.
Physiology of transmission at a giant glutamatergic synapse in
cerebellum. IV. Anatomy and physiology of cerebellar
nuclei. 11. Cerebellar nuclei: the olivary connection. 12.
Functional significance of excitatory projections from the
precerebellar nuclei to interpositus and dentate nucleus neurons
for mediating motor, premotor and parietal cortical inputs. 13.
Involvement of cerebellar cortex and nuclei in the genesis and
control of unconditioned and conditioned eyelid motor responses.
V. Pontocerebellar connections. 14. Salient anatomic
features of the cortico-ponto-cerebellar pathway. 15. Mossy-fibre
sensory input to the cerebellum. VI. Plasticity in
olivocerebellar system. 16. Reciprocal trophic interactions
between climbing fibres and purkinje cells in the rat cerebellum.
17. Intrinsic properties and environmental factors in the
regeneration of adult cerebellar axons. VII.
Vestibulocerebellar coordination of movements.
18. Signal processing in the C2 module of the flocculus and its
role in head movement control. 19. Control of the
three-dimensional dynamic characteristics of the angular
vestibulo-ocular reflex by the nodulus and uvula. 20. Cholinergic
control in the floccular cerebellum of the rabbit. 21.
Behavioural analysis of purkinje cell output from the horizontal
zone of the cat flocculus. VIII. Vestibulocerebellar
learning. 22. Characterization of purkinje cells in the
goldfish cerebellum during eye movement and adaptive modification
of the vestibulo-ocular reflex. 23. Role of the y-group of the
vestibular nuclei and flocculus of the cerebellum in motor
learning of the vertical vestibulo-ocular reflex. IX.
Cerebellar coordination of movements. 24. Aspects of
cerebellar function in relation to locomotor movements. 25. The
control of forelimb movements by intermediate cerebellum. 26.
What features of visually guided arm movements are encoded in the
simple spike discharge of cerebellar Purkinje cells. 27. Some
organizing principles for the control of movement based on
olivocerebellar physiology. 28. Is the cerebellum sensory for
motors sake, or motor for sensorys sake: the view from the
whiskers of a rat? X. Cerebellar learning and cognition.
29. Cerebellar contributions to the acquisition and execution of
learned reflex and volitional movements. 30. A new functional
role for cerebellar long term depression. 31. On the role of the
cerebellum and basal ganglia in cognitive signal processing. 32.
Dentate output channels: motor and cognitive components. XI.
Cerebellar diseases. 33. The genetic basis of hereditary
ataxia. 34. Buspiron a serotonergic 5-HT1A agonist, is
active in cerebellar ataxia. A new fact in favor of the
serotonergic theory of ataxia. 35. Cerebellar somatotopic
representation and cerebro-cerebellar interconnections. Subject
Many of the cerebellar scientists of the established generation have contributed substantially to the quality of this issue. In addition, the book is marked by chapters from the coming generations of scientists who will determine the direction of cerebellar research for the next century. As in other fields of neuroscience, this research will be dominated by molecular neurobiology and new functional imaging techniques. Altogether, the book is pluriform and unique in that it is multidisciplinary, in that it promotes different views on cerebellar function, and that it is being published on the verge of different era's dominated by different generations of cerebellar scientists. The wealth of new information and ideas contained in these important papers will stimulate even more intensive research in the twenty-first century leading to a greater understanding of cerebellar function(s).
Table of contents:
List of contributors. Preface. Acknowledgements. I.
Development and compartmentation of cerebellar cortex.
1. Functional cloning of candidate genes that regulate purkinje
cell-specific gene expression. 2. Transverse and longitudinal
patterns in the mammalian cerebellum. 3. An anatomical model of
cerebellar modules. II. Neurotransmission in cerebellar
cortex. 4. The distribution of corticotropin-releasing factor
(CRF), CRF binding sites and CRF1 receptor mRNA in the
mouse cerebellum. 5. The physiological effects of serotonin on
spontaneous and amino acid-induced activation of cerebellar
nuclear cells: an in vivo study in the cat. 6. Cholinergic
innervation and receptors in the cerebellum. 7. Molecular
organization of cerebellar glutamate synapses. 8.
Compartmentalised distribution of GABAA and glutamate
receptors in relation to transmitter release sites on the surface
of cerebellar neurons. III. Unipolar brush cells in cerebellar
cortex. 9. The unipolar brush cells of the mammalian
cerebellum and cochlear nucleus: cytology and microcircuitry. 10.
Physiology of transmission at a giant glutamatergic synapse in
cerebellum. IV. Anatomy and physiology of cerebellar
nuclei. 11. Cerebellar nuclei: the olivary connection. 12.
Functional significance of excitatory projections from the
precerebellar nuclei to interpositus and dentate nucleus neurons
for mediating motor, premotor and parietal cortical inputs. 13.
Involvement of cerebellar cortex and nuclei in the genesis and
control of unconditioned and conditioned eyelid motor responses.
V. Pontocerebellar connections. 14. Salient anatomic
features of the cortico-ponto-cerebellar pathway. 15. Mossy-fibre
sensory input to the cerebellum. VI. Plasticity in
olivocerebellar system. 16. Reciprocal trophic interactions
between climbing fibres and purkinje cells in the rat cerebellum.
17. Intrinsic properties and environmental factors in the
regeneration of adult cerebellar axons. VII.
Vestibulocerebellar coordination of movements.
18. Signal processing in the C2 module of the flocculus and its
role in head movement control. 19. Control of the
three-dimensional dynamic characteristics of the angular
vestibulo-ocular reflex by the nodulus and uvula. 20. Cholinergic
control in the floccular cerebellum of the rabbit. 21.
Behavioural analysis of purkinje cell output from the horizontal
zone of the cat flocculus. VIII. Vestibulocerebellar
learning. 22. Characterization of purkinje cells in the
goldfish cerebellum during eye movement and adaptive modification
of the vestibulo-ocular reflex. 23. Role of the y-group of the
vestibular nuclei and flocculus of the cerebellum in motor
learning of the vertical vestibulo-ocular reflex. IX.
Cerebellar coordination of movements. 24. Aspects of
cerebellar function in relation to locomotor movements. 25. The
control of forelimb movements by intermediate cerebellum. 26.
What features of visually guided arm movements are encoded in the
simple spike discharge of cerebellar Purkinje cells. 27. Some
organizing principles for the control of movement based on
olivocerebellar physiology. 28. Is the cerebellum sensory for
motors sake, or motor for sensorys sake: the view from the
whiskers of a rat? X. Cerebellar learning and cognition.
29. Cerebellar contributions to the acquisition and execution of
learned reflex and volitional movements. 30. A new functional
role for cerebellar long term depression. 31. On the role of the
cerebellum and basal ganglia in cognitive signal processing. 32.
Dentate output channels: motor and cognitive components. XI.
Cerebellar diseases. 33. The genetic basis of hereditary
ataxia. 34. Buspiron a serotonergic 5-HT1A agonist, is
active in cerebellar ataxia. A new fact in favor of the
serotonergic theory of ataxia. 35. Cerebellar somatotopic
representation and cerebro-cerebellar interconnections. Subject