Zangon Kataf is one of the administrative units of Kaduna state. The area witnessed heavy hostilities between the Atyap Christians who are the indigenous and the Hausa Muslims who are the settlers. However there has been brewing tension between the two parties which led to a violent ifight that caused the destruction, loss of precious lives and properties amounting to millions of Naira. Intolerance played a key role as the case may be because both sides lived in the same locality but were not tolerable with one another. At the end it took dialogue and parley to resolve the conflict. This book also highlighted various parts of the Holy Quran and Holy Bible including a sub-sect of Christianity to understand and show how the two dominant religions preach about peace, love and tolerance in their holy books. The book also deploys the perspective of Fethullah Gulen who is a renowned scholar and advocate of dialogue which is the ultimate weapon in conflict resolution.