Cybernetic weapons, sinister assassination attempts...a new neon-noir-inspired cyberpunk fantasy series from first-time author Starla Moore. When Vivian, a twenty-one-year-old undergraduate, effortlessly lands a job at one of Sacramento's most prestigious marketing agencies, she immediately senses that something is off about the position. Especially when her boss, and father of her boyfriend Ryan, sends her on a huge business opportunity that feels a little too good to be true for a simple secretary. Vivian soon finds herself entangled in inter-dimensional espionage and a target in an assassination plot that slings her into a neon cityscape of cybernetics, strange weaponry, and a family of unlikely heroes. In her battle for survival and her race to return to Earth, she must navigate a fury of emotions, balancing between Ryan's lethal betrayal, a passionate new romance, and a wicked secret that could spell doom for her newfound family. She must learn who is real, who is wearing a mask, and who she can truly trust. Welcome to The Channel. Cross into an alternate dimension by ordering your copy of The Channel today.
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