Alfonso Sánchez-Romera is a researcher at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (InterAsia Research Group) and postdoctoral fellow at Freie Universität Berlin. He graduated in Humanities and East Asian Studies and holds a PhD in Intercultural Studies. His research interests include middle class, Chinese society and discourse analysis.
Intoduction: The Paradigm of the Middle Class in Contemporary China 1. The
Discursive Reconfiguration: Class and Discourse Construction After Reform
2. The Intellectual Reconfiguration: Definitions, Ideology and the Hidden
Agenda 3. Class Reproduction, Consumption, and Inequality: The
Reconfiguration of the Trajectories from the Centre 4. Celebrities,
Happiness, and Romance. The Reconfiguration of the Motivations to Achieve
5. Friends, Family, and the Community. The Reconfiguration of the Public
and Private Spheres 6. Conclusion: New Configurations to a Post-Pandemic