In this uplifting tale, in the magical tradition of Dickens' "A Christmas Carol," Jonathan, a young father, needing rent money on Christmas Eve, reunites his old band to go caroling for tips, and sets in motion a miracle-haunted, rambling, musical adventure that brings Christmas cheer to rich, poor, cops, gangsters, and the dying, while each member of the band gets the turning point they need. Jack is a thriving professional fiddler, whose Christian faith has been shaken by the progressive new minister at his church, until it's rekindled by the crowd singing Christmas carols with the band on the Ruby Street pedestrian mall. Amos, the atheist on rhythm guitar, tales the side of Officer Bob, the cop who keeps interrupting the band to tell them where they're not allowed to play. Talented but sharp-tongued Mandy, embittered that her rather mercenary marriage killed her musical career, is brought to the verge of despair by a strange glimpse of her own future, then rescued by the voice of a friend. And Danny, a lifelong aspiring rock star disillusioned with the cynical commercialism of the music business, is still allured by the siren song of fame. Together, they ramble far and wide on Christmas Eve, looking for places to play. Departing from the conventional naturalism of modern novels, The Christmas Carolers speaks to how God works in people's lives, sometimes by feelings and spiritual epiphanies, sometimes through the voices of old friends, sometimes through old traditions captured in song and story, and sometimes through physical miracles. It bears witness to the way Christmas, down the ages, keeps stealing into people's hearts and betraying them to good. Gentle yet serious, filled with music and seasoned with theology, sparkling with wonder and surprise, and probing how sorrow turns to joy, it's the perfect book for a family to read around the fire at Christmastime. Especially a family that loves Christmas carols.
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