Book 1: Excursive and Critical Chapter 1: Margins and their Diagrammatic
Representation Chapter 2: On The Diagrammatic Method of Representing Areas
of Satisfaction and Marginal Significances Chapter 3: On The Nature of
Curves of Total Satisfaction Chapter 4: Buyer and Seller. Demand and Supply
Chapter 5: The Theory of 'Increasing and Diminishing Returns' Chapter 6:
The Diagrammatic Exposition of the Law of Rent and Its Implications Chapter
7: Banking. Bills. Currency Book III: Analytical and Practical Chapter 1:
Samples of Analysis Chapter 2: Some Further Analyses Chapter 3: Conclusion
Selected Papers and Reviews * The Marxian Theory of Value (a) Das Kapital:
A Criticism (b) The Jevonian Criticism of Marx (A comment on the Rev P.H.
Wicksteed's article by Bernard Shaw) (c) The Jevonian Criticism of Marx: A
Rejoinder * On Certain Passages in Jevons's Theory of Political Economy *
Elementary Mathematical Economics: (a) Dimensions of Economic Quantities
(b) Degree of Utility (c) Final Degree of Utility * Political Economy and
Psychology * The Scope and Method of Political Economy in the Light of the
'Marginal' Theory of Value and Distribution * Final Utility * Reviews and
Biographical Notes (a) Stanley Jevons (b) Jevon's Economic Work (c)
Pareto's Manuale di Economia Politica (d) Sir Sydney Chapman's Political
Economy (e) H.J. Davenport's Economics of Enterprise * Selected Syllabuses
of Extension Lecture Courses (a) The Elements of Political Economy (Value
or Worth), 1891 (b) Hire and Interest, 1892 (c) The Theory of Earning and
Spending (Second Course), 1895 (d) Getting and Spending, 1905