This work is an investigation into the historical and epistemological intricacies that led Georges Canguilhem to propose his epistemological project in the field of scientific historiography. The aim is not simply to provide historical bases for the exposition, but to indicate, through the detailing of his project, the epistemological status of the concept of scientific ideology. This direction, in a way, indicates the scope of his philosophical reflections in the field of scientific historiography. These are approaches in the ontological sense of their characterisation, in the context of the constitution of the life sciences. Schematically, the aim of this book is to point out that: (i) the concept of scientific ideology is intimately linked to the epistemological problem concerning the permanent way in which scientific knowledge is constituted; (ii) the intertwining of ideology and science should prevent the history of science from being reduced to the insipidity of a picture without a shadow of relevance, and; (iii) the separation of science and ideology should prevent the elements that have apparently been preserved from an ideology from being considered in continuity in the history of science.