The men gathered to permutate the country principles and they started their political party. The FPP won the elections by high votes and there had been enchanted noise of country people. Gqinsila was a state President in Bush-Berry. The mountains were destroyed and the whole country seemed newly world; then everybody was ordered to attend school to know how to sign. Then a person who was making a signature by the thumb finger would go to prison. They all given the school law and all the youth must have been attending school and know with the skill have chosen to do. Then the people began to change and performed their own cultures in the country. Then everybody did his ancestral culture to kneel before his gods. The law was to follow the suitable culture not to follow others' cultures. The children grown with the Bush-Berrians' way of life. That seemed to help in the country and no conflict took place . . . The happiness has been all over the country as there was no one allowed tohave the apartheid among the country people. The color of the skin wasn't saying something but as they thought with one soul and blood but in different bodies; that combined their lives.