No matter how primary school coverage has been increasing from time to time, students' literacy skill is not as such developed. Number of primary school children those finish their primary education with not enough and age appropriate knowledge of literacy skill in increasing from time to time. The problem is very serious in developing countries and focus of practitioners was towards those countries. If literacy is so serious, it needs serious intervention to solve problems related with literacy skills of primary school children. Literacy Boost Model is a model first initiated by Save the Children to contribute towards improving literacy skills of children both in school and out school. (CEI, 2015).World vision also adopted and has been implementing it since then. As the EGRA assessment report undertaken in Ethiopia in 2010 shows the problem is very serious in Oromya region compared to the six regions under the assessment. (Benjamin Piper 2010). Hidhabu Abote district which is found in Northern Ethiopia, Oromiya region, North Showa Zone was one of the targets for LB implementation.