This volume discusses how commonality and difference are negotiated across heterogeneous social movements in Latin America, especially Peru. It applies cosmopolitics as an analytical lens to understand the intricacies of social movement encounters across difference, without imposing colonial hierarchies or categorizations. The author blends multiple theoretical approaches-such as social movement research, postcolonial feminism, and post-foundational discourse theory-with ethnographic insights to develop a theory of cosmopolitical solidarity.
Providing a transnational and intersectional perspective on the politics of social justice in a postcolonial context, this book will appeal to students of social movements, gender studies, racism, Latin American studies, and international relations, as well as practitioners involved in activism, social work, or international cooperation.
Providing a transnational and intersectional perspective on the politics of social justice in a postcolonial context, this book will appeal to students of social movements, gender studies, racism, Latin American studies, and international relations, as well as practitioners involved in activism, social work, or international cooperation.
"... Die Autorin analysiert die Konstruktion von Differenz in der Begegnung heterogener Akteur*innen innerhalb transnationaler sozialer Bewegungen. ... Das zu rezensierende Werk überzeugt durch die Verknüpfung einer durchdachten theoretisch-konzeptuellen Analyse mit empirischen Fallbeispielen. ... Insofern stellt das spannend geschriebene und historisch differenzierte Werk der Autorin eine enorme wissenschaftliche Bereicherung für eine kritische feministische und postkoloniale Bewegungsforschung dar." (Alina Heuser, in: Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen, Jg. 36, Heft 4, 2023)