The subject of web server security is vast, and it is becoming bigger as time passes by. Every year, researches, both private and public, are adding to the number of possible threats to the security of web servers, and coming up with possible solutions to them. A number of these solutions are considered to be expensive, complex, and incredibly time-consuming, while not able to create the perfect web to challenge any breach to the server security. In the study that follows, an attempt will be made to check whether a particular firewall can ensure a strong security measure and deal with some security breaches or severe threat to an existing web server. The research conducted has been done with the CSF Firewall, which provides a suit of scripts that ensure a portal s security through a number of channels. The experiments conducted under the research provided extremely valuable insights about the application in hand, and the number of ways the CSF Firewall can help in safety of a portal against many services attacks such as Secured Shell (SSH) attacks, dedicated to break the security of it, in its initial stages.....