Gianfranco Pasquino is Professor Emeritus of Political Science at the University of Bologna and Senior Adjunct Professor at the Bologna Center of the Johns Hopkins University. Fellow of the Accademia dei Lincei, his most recent books are Italian Democracy. How It Works (Routledge 2020), Libertà inutile. Profilo ideologico dell'Italia repubblicana (UTET 2021), Tra scienza e politica. Una autobiografia (UTET 2022) and Il lavoro intellettuale (UTET 2023). He has co-edited The Oxford Handbookeonardi of Italian Politics (Oxford University Press 2015) and the Dizionario di Politica (UTET-De Agostini 2016, 4a ed., revised) and co-authored (with Riccardo Pelizzo), The Culture of Accuntability. A Democratic Virtue (Routledge 2022).
Introduction 1. The Three Faces of Accountability 2. Electoral and
Interinstitutional Accountability 3. Electoral Accountability in
non-Western Settings 4. Accountability: Nonelectoral and Systemic 5.
Religion and Accountability 6. Religious Denominations and Good Governance
7. The Cultural Determinants of Accountability. Epilogue