In spite of numerous studies on money, it remains subject, in many countries, to bad practices, while being moreover unknown in its specific role of instrument of measurement of the value of goods and services. Thus, in France, monetary instruments have appeared, in practice, as instruments of public policy at the discretion of institutions such as the Central Bank assisted by the Treasury, allowing them to make money for the state through their manipulations. However, elsewhere in the world, different experiences have taken place. Thus, in the empire of Mali, a private good, the cowrie, available on the free market, fulfilled its role as a currency without having been subjected to any manipulation in favour of an authority or to the detriment of the population. Thus, after having established that monetary instruments are in fact instruments of measurement within the economic discipline, the present work has shown that these instruments may have been used in violation of their specific use, generating poverty as a result of the violation of general and individual interest.