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Does Buddha have a satanic side? Does the reincarnation of Milarepa presently reside in Germany? Can homeopathy cure cancer and dementia? These and other oddities are addressed and further elaborated on. The reader follows the author (a lama and a doctor) on her journey through the dark side of Tibetan Buddhism to enlightenment and learns about a therapy that treats two serious illnesses.

Does Buddha have a satanic side? Does the reincarnation of Milarepa presently reside in Germany? Can homeopathy cure cancer and dementia? These and other oddities are addressed and further elaborated on. The reader follows the author (a lama and a doctor) on her journey through the dark side of Tibetan Buddhism to enlightenment and learns about a therapy that treats two serious illnesses.
Jahrgang 1949, Tochter eines Schaustellers auf Jahrmärkten, lebte später im Stundenhotel ihrer Familie im Rotlichtbezirk einer Großstadt, machte Abitur, wurde Ärztin, Diplom-Psychologin und schließlich Lama der Kagyü-Tradition. Sie wurde Schülerin u.a. des Karmapas Ogyen Trinley Dorje, sowie anderer großer Meister. Manche halten sie für die Wiedergeburt des Yogis Milarepa.