Jack HirshleiferThe Dark Side of the Force
Economic Foundations of Conflict Theory
1. The dark side of the force
Part I. Causes, Consequences and Conduct of Conflict: 2. The bioeconomic causes of war
3. The paradox of power
4. Do the rich get richer and the poor poorer? Experimental tests of a model of power
5. Conflict and rent-seeking success functions: ration vs. difference models of relative success
6. Anarchy and its breakdown
7. Truth, effort, and the legal battle
8. Are equilibrium strategies unaffected by incentives?
Part II. Evolutionary Approaches to Conflict and its Resolution: 9. Extract from evolutionary models in economics and law: cooperation versus conflict strategies
10. On the emotions as guarantors of threats and promises
11. What strategies can support the evolutionary emergence of cooperation?
12. Selection, mutation, and the preservation of diversity in evolutionary games
13. There are many evolutionary pathways to cooperation
14. The expanding domain of economics.