Three enigmatic words uttered by a dying elderly man, in Berkeley, California, lead to the search for a mysterious old play. In the course of events, a mugger snatches the small camera with which the text was photographed (most probably in a murky archive in England). Trem, the main character of the book, manages to retrieve the camera and, thanks to his girlfriend, is poised to create a sensation in the literary world with his bombshell discovery of the identity of the old play. At the same time, Icksy, a friend of Trem's, is still hanging on to the old ideals that held sway in radical Berkeley in the '60s and '70s, and he is willing to sabotage military operations and blow up shipments of armaments in sheer frustration at the general state of things in the USA. And then there are also Micky and Nitroba, two highly enigmatic characters at first. Let us just say that the very special location of their apartment is not conducive to a correct assessment of the various situations they hear aboutâ?¿not at all.