"The Desert Store - The Red Cactus Orphanage" is the fifth book in a series about a unique desert store in New Mexico. The store, once a small white wood church built in the center of a healing energy vortex, attracts healers and other unusual individuals to live there. It offers gas, groceries, and hidden healing services in the middle of the desert. In this ongoing sequel, book #5, the story focuses on Timmon, who was orphaned at the age of ten by his evil family and now lives at the store. Timmon, who possesses special abilities, has taken ownership of the store and must combat the evils perpetrated by his mother and sisters, who live with a man named Vance Romaine and his followers. These individuals hate the goodness that the store emits and seek to destroy it. However, thanks to the efforts of Susan, Lana, Matthew, and Perry, along with some powerful psychic forces, a different plan emerges for the store. They join forces with Timmon to fight for the good and manage to win the battle, at least for the time being.
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