An intriguing tale of six children who are put in an impossible situation when a sorceress abducts their beloved grandmother and demands that they must go to the magical world of 'Omodrome' and find the seven magical diamonds and return to her. After many amazing adventures, the children were finally able to recover the magical diamonds. It is at this point when a mysterious character comes along and propagandizes to be the real villain. He was using the sorceress for his own intentions. Thereafter, the sorceress and her sister who also happens to be the children's abducted grandmother escaped from the clutches of the evil villain and went on a quest for the 'Torch of Knowledge' which is the only thing that can counter the magical diamonds and disable it. On the other hand the six children who are now prisoners of the evil villain, mysteriously escaped without trace. In their continued search for their grandmother they underwent another series of adventures. All this while, their grandmother and the sorceress were in their adventurous search for the 'Torch of Knowledge'. Finally when they found the 'Torch of Knowledge', the children happen to reunited with them. Finally a huge battle takes place for the soul of 'Omodrome'. It remains to be a question, that who is the true victor of the conflict....?
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