Who was Corper Nostradamus? Why was he posted to the home town of General Yakubu Gowon for his post-graduate programme-NYSC? It reveals that he went for the service year more as an investigator than a participant. More of his findings talk about the present and future of Nigeria, of Africa and the World in general, especially among various warring factions. This book details the vivid description of his experience; politics, intrigues, cultural diversity, the spirit of patriotism and ethnic loyalties encapsulated in the Nigerian post-graduate scheme as revealed within and outside the camp; the good and the unheard. He gives a metaphorical explanation of how a stranger raped an innocent woman who gave birth to twins, in the year 1914; the children were given a joint name by the strangers' fiancée- a name called Nigeria. He presents the different societal attitudes of the South and the North; prejudice and ethnocentrism as the bane of the silent 'cold war' in the inter-relationshipof the duo. Man's quest for freedom and peace within the four walls of prison and perils created by his own hands.