The book "The Dimensions of Investment Decision Making" authored by Dr. Angelin S.Kiruba and Dr. S.Vasantha, provides the details about the impact of accounting ratios on the share, the psychological behaviour influence on the investment decision, the effect of Demonetisation, GST, and COVID-19 on the Indian Share Market. This study is based on fifteen years of published data of small capital, medium capital and large capital companies' from NSE-50 and the survey method conducted among the investors' from the state of Tamilnadu through that the analysis and interpretation of data, the determinants of investors' investment decisions are identified. The interpretations put forth are based on my reading and understanding of the original texts and they are not published anywhere in the forms of books, monographs, or articles. The other books, articles, and websites, which have made use of is acknowledged at the respective place in the text.