Within the boundaries of an unpretentious, sequestered scientific research facility named The Krupto base, a team of advanced scientists happen upon a new planet during daily exploration of the universe. To their surprise the newfound planet is homogenous of the planet Earth with its only dissimilarity being an unnatural brightness eradiating from its atmosphere. Upon hearing of the discovery, the commander of the initiative dispatches a team of scientists on an exploratory expedition to the unknown planet within the vast open endless entity of space. As the team lands on the planet they are met by Chiron, a centaur who invites them to stay with him for the night in Valosia: an ancient realm home to centaurs. However, dark forces are at work, and soon a devastating plan takes effect; a plan devised by a dark sorcerer who is readying himself for a triumphant return to a world that caused his downfall. Thus begins a quest of bravery and friendship, that if successful, will rid the world of its evil.
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