Humanity as a whole is pushed into the Aquarian Era by the Divine Plan. Its future depends on the free choice of each woman and each man who constitutes it, to implement the energy of Good Will - Divine Love in action. Humanity must unite as one man and make the beauty of the Plan shine on our beautiful blue planet, for the greater good of the many. This is her role as a medium between the spiritual reign and the subhuman kingdoms through the New Group of World Servers, the global network of Triangles and can count on the unwavering support of Christ and His disciples, the Masters of Wisdom - The Spiritual Hierarchy. This book was conceived as a synthesis of the practical tools from the teachings that Alice Ann Bailey (1880-1949) received through mental telepathy and published by Lucis Trust Publishing at the request of Master Djwal Khul (DK) member of the Spiritual Hierarchy of our planet, from 1919 to 1949.