Steven is a single parent struggling to raise his son in rural America. In the year 2036, work is scarce and he is a traveling specialized construction worker, steadily moving from place to place and job to job with his son in tow. Then he becomes the new caretaker of the old family farm. Steve can now see a new stable beginning for himself and his son. But he soon finds out that his father is missing and he is under suspicion of murder by the crazy sheriff. His farmhouse is haunted by spirits, and he finds out that his family has guarded the gates to hell for the last two hundred years and the lock keeping it shut is no longer adequate. Then to top it all off, someone kidnaps his son. A crazy adventure that will take you beyond your imagination to the unthinkable, with believable characters and wonderful newfound friends. A story where a father's love for his son enables him to do the impossible and accomplish the unachievable. A story you will never forget.