Set in a small Welsh town on the brink of change in the 1950s, this debut novel features Gwenni Morgan, a child detective recording and trying to make sense of events around her. Reminiscent of Kate Atkinson, "What Was Lost" and "The Curious Incident..." Trade paperback.
Gwenni Morgan is a girl with a special gift: she can fly in her sleep. At night she soars out of the bed she shares with her sister, up above her village, looking down on the lives of its inhabitants. And one night she sees more than she bargained for . . .Set in a remote Welsh village in the 1950s, THE EARTH HUMS IN B FLAT is a story of dark family secrets, written with insight and lightness. Filled with wonderful characters, it is a remarkable debut that introduces a sparkling new voice of rare spirit.
Gwenni Morgan is a girl with a special gift: she can fly in her sleep. At night she soars out of the bed she shares with her sister, up above her village, looking down on the lives of its inhabitants. And one night she sees more than she bargained for . . .Set in a remote Welsh village in the 1950s, THE EARTH HUMS IN B FLAT is a story of dark family secrets, written with insight and lightness. Filled with wonderful characters, it is a remarkable debut that introduces a sparkling new voice of rare spirit.