The conflict of schemas would be greater (recall be decreased) as the participants activated together (through reading and listening) word lists from two different schemas, than when they were activated word lists from just one schema, B) that the participants would show greater error and reconstruction in the recall face when activated together word lists from two different schemas and changed room than when they activated word lists from just one schema without changing room, and C) the change of room would provoke decrease in recall when participants read the school schema (S) and listened to the supermarket (SM) schema simultaneously. For the requirements of this experiment 40 participants were randomly selected. The results showed that the participants could not recall easily the word lists when two different conflicting schemas were activated and when they changed room. Also, the participants showed greater error and reconstruction phenomenon in the recall face when activating together (through reading and listening) word lists from two different schemas and then changed room than when activating word lists from just one schema without changing room.