Lifestyle is one of the most wide-ranging concepts in the field of social sciences, which is a pattern of thoughts, feelings, and actions, and in total, it forms the social and personal identity of a person, which means how to organize life to fulfill needs and desires by using a set of behaviors. Emergence of lifestyle is done through the way of spending time, money, and how to spend leisure time, choosing consumables, choosing interests and preferences (taste) and the like. Chrisman introduces lifestyle as the range of activities in which a person or a group participates. According to define the term lifestyle, we are dealing with a comprehensive term that includes a person's taste in the field of hair and clothes, entertainment, literature, and other related topics. The word style evokes fashion, so lifestyle is actually a person's fashion or lifestyle. The lifestyle is usually connected with the economic-social class and it is reflected in the image that a person makes of himself. For several decades, the obligation to promote and in some cases impose a certain type of lifestyle derived from a certain reading of beliefs is clearly visible.