In recent years, women and members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) community have achieved major achievements in the area of human rights. Although human resources management (HRM) programs for gender equality in the workplace are being implemented more widely, they are still primarily focused on white, heterosexual, cisgender women, with little attention being paid to the issues faced by women of other genders and members of social minorities. This article presents an integrative model of gender equality in the workplace that can be used by both academics and practitioners in the field of human resource management. Starting with the key antecedents and repercussions of gender-based discrimination and harassment (GBDH) in the workplace, the study goes on to analyze the implications of GBDH. Second, it incorporates opinions from feminist, queer, and intersectional feminist movements into the research process, which is an important step. In addition, it combines findings from a study on the experiences of women and LGBTQ employees in the workplace making the case for an inclusive human resource management system. Starting point is provided by the author.