The three notorious Santa Barbara sailors...Tom, Ernie and Emmet are back and once again wreaking havoc and inadvertently uncovering clandestine plots in this third adventure by Harris T, Vincent. Only this time the action takes place in Paris, France. After being dismissed from the Santa Barbara Yacht Club for questionable behavior during a regatta, the three wander up to Brophy's restaurant where they spot an ad in a sailing magazine recruiting experienced sailors to crew in the Rolex Cup in San Tropez. They apply and are hired by a scion of international finance, whose duplicitous business ventures are under the scrutiny of the U.S. Treasury Department. The Emperors of Cabrillo Boulevard is another thrilling and provocative adventure about three sailors on a lark whose mischievous inclinations lead them into a labyrinth of extreme danger amidst the backdrop of today's perilous economic realities.
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