For more than four decades the EU granted ACP states
preferential access to its domestic markets. The
recently concluded Economic Partnership Agreements
(EPAs) will put an end to the EU s long-standing
system of Lomé preferences by progressively removing
barriers to trade between the signatory parties.
In her book the author Nuschin Ghahremani raises the
question whether the EU-CARIFORUM EPA represents a
new form of political and economic cooperation
between the EU and the Caribbean region or if it is
just another manifestion of the old asymmetrical Lomé
practices. In order to adress this issue the author
illuminates the reasons why EPAs have come to replace
the non-reciprocal Lomé preferences. Further the
implications of the EPA provisions for the economic
development as well as the integration process of the
Caribbean region will be analysed. Particular efforts
were employed to build a bridge between the broader
theoretical framework, and the technical details of
the Agreement.
The book will appeal to anyone interested in gaining
a deeper insight into the mechanisms of international
trade and the EU-CARIFORUM relations in particular.
preferential access to its domestic markets. The
recently concluded Economic Partnership Agreements
(EPAs) will put an end to the EU s long-standing
system of Lomé preferences by progressively removing
barriers to trade between the signatory parties.
In her book the author Nuschin Ghahremani raises the
question whether the EU-CARIFORUM EPA represents a
new form of political and economic cooperation
between the EU and the Caribbean region or if it is
just another manifestion of the old asymmetrical Lomé
practices. In order to adress this issue the author
illuminates the reasons why EPAs have come to replace
the non-reciprocal Lomé preferences. Further the
implications of the EPA provisions for the economic
development as well as the integration process of the
Caribbean region will be analysed. Particular efforts
were employed to build a bridge between the broader
theoretical framework, and the technical details of
the Agreement.
The book will appeal to anyone interested in gaining
a deeper insight into the mechanisms of international
trade and the EU-CARIFORUM relations in particular.