The EU faces many challenges. Nurses and nursing are part of the solution. It looks like the EU citizens have enough of the nice talks of politicians, enough of their political promises prior election. Therefore, it is important civil society, nurses ask themselves in which world they want to live and work; how nursing need to push for change in the changing world; and what should be in for nurses who provide daily care for the most vulnerable in our complex society. But when moving forward, the main question for many citizens will be: the EU, what's in it for me? Indeed, since 2008, when the financial crisis hit ordinary EU citizens very hard, especially nurses and women, more challenges to daily survival started to surface. Is the EU, its institutions, its political games, just a complex political labyrinth nobody wants to understand? Are EU civil servants simply producing legislation in view of their own created cocoon, far away from daily reality? But how can we bring ordinary EU citizens closer to the European project, its solutions? Nurses, women, play a key role in making the EU, health & wellbeing, prosperity and peace work for Eu citizens, trusting nurses most!