The use of the High Rising Tone (HRT) on statements
has sparked much debate in recent years but there
has been surprisingly little comprehensive research
carried out on this phenomenon. This book presents
an investigation into HRT in Southern Californian
and Southern British English. It examines the
phonological and phonetic form, and the pragmatic
function and sociolinguistic distribution of HRT.
This book adopts a holistic approach to examine the
form, function and distribution of HRT use across
male and female Southern Californian and Southern
British English speakers. The phonetic realisation
of HRTs is examined by taking phonetic measurements
which are then subjected to statistical analyses.
The distribution of HRTs across three pragmatic
variables are also examined. Case study analyses are
conducted in order to carry out a detailed analysis
of pragmatic functions of HRTs. The sociolinguistic
distribution of HRT is examined in order to
determine the frequency of HRT occurrence. The
analysis adopts a comparative approach and it should
help shed some light on the form and use of HRT in
Southern Californian and Southern British English.
has sparked much debate in recent years but there
has been surprisingly little comprehensive research
carried out on this phenomenon. This book presents
an investigation into HRT in Southern Californian
and Southern British English. It examines the
phonological and phonetic form, and the pragmatic
function and sociolinguistic distribution of HRT.
This book adopts a holistic approach to examine the
form, function and distribution of HRT use across
male and female Southern Californian and Southern
British English speakers. The phonetic realisation
of HRTs is examined by taking phonetic measurements
which are then subjected to statistical analyses.
The distribution of HRTs across three pragmatic
variables are also examined. Case study analyses are
conducted in order to carry out a detailed analysis
of pragmatic functions of HRTs. The sociolinguistic
distribution of HRT is examined in order to
determine the frequency of HRT occurrence. The
analysis adopts a comparative approach and it should
help shed some light on the form and use of HRT in
Southern Californian and Southern British English.