Immigrants living in Austria for the past few decades are now slowly but surely reaching an age when they will have to depend on others in order to meet their daily needs of living. The general trend shows that elderly immigrants rarely make use of conventional care systems and are mainly cared for by their families. This book examines the aspects of reciprocity and solidarity in intergenerational relationships based on the views of elderly immigrants.The bond between mutual exchanges within intergenerational relationships is influenced by cultural heritage on the one hand and acculturation on the other.Theory as well as empirical material showed that giving and taking between the generations has a high significance in immigrant families.Emotional support between the generations plays an important role and the development of new patterns which lead to emotional well being are indispensable.The resources that are existent within the family play an important role and should play anintegral part in society.Emotional stability which results out of the bond between the generations not only benefits the persons involved but is also important from a socio-political point of view.