When the human body is injured and in much pain, modern medicine can make miracles and heal it. The healed human body then reaffirms its healthy existence as a creation from above and takes back the life that wanted to abandon it. The healthy human body, with its healthy brain, heart and memory, is a magAnificent thinking machine. When the human soul is wounded, more often than not medicine remains hopelessly inadequate, and the wound festers. The soul loses everything beautiful that lived in it. It detaches itself from the world around, locks itself in a shell and rejects normal life. The soul is no longer normal. It loses memory and all feelings: love, joy, hope, happiness. For the wounded human soul, the road to recovery is painfully slow. In this story, the author walks along this road together with a human soul that has been deeply wounded, a being that has lost both memory and hope. The author follows the everyday life of this soul, witnesses occasional sparks of light and many relapses into obscurity. With help from a strong faith in Buddhism and support from spirits in the world beyond, the wounded soul accepts the challenge of re-entering normal life and receives the Gift from Life.
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