"Ebony Locs" by Deborah A. Eiland is a charming and inclusive retelling of the classic Goldilocks and the Three Bears story, featuring a young African American girl with beautiful ebony locs. This delightful adaptation brings a fresh perspective to a beloved fairy tale, celebrating diversity and promoting inclusivity. The story follows the familiar plot where the girl with ebony locs discovers the bears' cottage, tastes their oatmeal, tries out their chairs, and eventually falls asleep in Baby Bear's bed. With engaging and vivid illustrations by Sean Smith, Sr., "Ebony Locs" captivates young readers while delivering a timeless message about respect and understanding. This book is perfect for parents and educators who wish to introduce children to classic tales with a modern and diverse twist. From the Author... As a child you may have heard the fairytale of the little girl going into the home of a family of bears, eating their porridge, breaking a chair and falling asleep, soon after to be woken up by the family of bears. The Girl with the Ebony Locs and the Three Bears puts a modern cultural twist on the old fairytale. Children may not have known what porridge was, so in this book it is given a name many children will recognize. The book is more descriptive as the title character goes throughout the bears' home wreaking havoc and eventually caught sleeping in the baby bear's bed. The Girl with the Ebony Locs and the Three Bears is generously filled with pictures and illustrations to keep children engaged while reading the story. This is my very first children's publication and sincerely hope you enjoy it.
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