Engages a topic of pressing concern for government, business, and education leaders around the world: the race to establish 'world-class' universities. Some herald the globalization of higher education as the key to a dynamic and productive 'knowledge society.' Others worry that modern universities have come to resemble multinational corporations.
"Armed with a powerful historical perspective and rich evidences across continents, this volume strongly attacks notions a lineal globalization and its inevitable consequence of sameness in the international terrain of higher education." - Rui Yang, University of Hong Kong
"Universities are among the oldest and most international of institutions. Is the 'global university' of the twenty-first century something entirely new, or the heir to a long tradition? This thought-provoking book shows that we need a historical perspective for a full understanding of current problems and for an informed response to them." - Robert Anderson, author of British Universities Past and Present
"Universities are among the oldest and most international of institutions. Is the 'global university' of the twenty-first century something entirely new, or the heir to a long tradition? This thought-provoking book shows that we need a historical perspective for a full understanding of current problems and for an informed response to them." - Robert Anderson, author of British Universities Past and Present