Online payments have grown sharply in the past few years and the payments industry in India is expected to grow to US$ 700 billion in 2022. The pandemic gave a strong boost to the Indian online payments industry and increasingly more users are switching to online modes every day. With In India, online transactions started around the 1980s with the launch of credit cards. The country saw a huge growth in awareness, the number of mobiles phones and Internet users, and the number of online payment mode users. With growing demand, newer businesses and applications came into existence. India has witnessed significant growth in the number of online transactions since 2010. During FY 2010-11, the number of online transactions in the country was 4.98 billion, valued at Rs. 96 lakh crores (approximately US$ 1.3 trillion). On the whole this book mainly focuses on the growth analysis of NPCI's retail payments indicators in India.