In a post-apocalyptic world, where survival is a daily struggle and children have become a rare and valuable commodity, a courageous group of soldiers known as the Guard Dogs dedicate themselves to protecting the remaining survivors. Among them is Dylan, a steadfast soldier, and his companion Jaden. Their lives take a pivotal turn when they discover Emma, an orphaned little girl with a unique gift for healing. Recognizing her value, and the danger that poses, they vow to protect her from the ruthless Offenders, men who seek to exploit children for their own sinister purposes. However, their plans are shattered when they discover that Lucas, the leader of the Guard Dogs, has betrayed the soldiers to the Offenders and also seeks the precious child for himself. Forced to flee, the soldiers take their families to the abandoned town of Aberdeen, where they attempt to rebuild their lives and prepare for an inevitable battle with the dark forces that threaten their existence.
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