The Heavenly Hedgehogs "Standing In The Gap" is a delightful faith-based children's fictional adventure story about a pair of high-spirited Hedgehog siblings, Heath and Heather, who live in the meadow, along with their very best friend, Mrs. Hedge Sparrow, and also a very mischievous weasel named Willard! The beautiful illustrations are done in a style that will enable children to easily relate with each individual character. In this storyline the whimsical characters have been specifically created to help young children reach a fuller understanding about what being a true friend means. The story is also intended to aid young children in learning what the scriptural message found in Ezekiel 22:30 - about, making up the hedge and standing in the gap, represents, and how they can apply its lesson to their own lives by becoming little prayer warriors -- or, as we like to affectionately call them, "Little Gap Stander's " before the Lord.
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