"The Hidden Way," an illuminating tale interwoven into the mystifying universe of Amazonian myth and folklore. Across the torrent of time, a fallen Empire, a fractured culture, a lost tribe, a lost man, and a child alone; piece together their fragmented pasts to discover a passage back to an unsung time of forgotten treasures and ultimately the reclamation of their own heritage. There were ten tribes, which were sent from the last Empire; sent back into the Jungle to safeguard their people's greatest treasure. With the passing of generations it seemed the Jungle had vanished all traces of them from the Earth. Now, in their time of need, the remnants of a disseminated empire unravel their past. They search for wealth, for wisdom, for power, and for an answer to a new way, to a new beginning. What was, what is, the Shaman's path to wisdom? What is it that wise men fear most? Some traditions must be upheld, some must fall, but perhaps some should remain hidden.
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