Introduction 1. Encountering and Inventing America 2. Evangelization:
Genocide and Recognition 3. Conversion to America 4. Metabasis of the
Amerindian Institutions: Mita, Resguardo, and Mayordomea 5. Imbroglio and
Development 6. A Short Cut with No Reformation? 7. Midway between Legalism
and Benevolence 8. The Jesuit as Rousseau's Double 9. From the Pactum
Translationis to the Contrat Social 10. A Nonadaptive Mutation 11. Ripresa
e Coda 12. The Meditation upon One's Being" 13. The Meditation upon One's
Doing 14. On the Difficulty of Thinking North America 15. Interference and
Contrast: The Big Colony and the Small 16. Gaseous Democracy and the
Paradoxes of Precociousness 17. Emancipation and Fragmentation of Latin
America 18. Present Imperfect 19. The Baroque: Frontier of the Classical
World 20. Spain: A Numantian Classicism 21. Encounters in the Labyrinth