The nature of what is happening in Arab regions of today prove that European regionalization is not behind all of these regional autonomist trends and the weakening of the nation-states, but rather it might be a kind of return to tribalism. In other words, the Greater Middle East is undergoing distinct tribalization nowdays rather than being secular.In the Arab ecumene, destruction of the Arab nation-state is a direct route to archaization of the region, to its Somalization and to permanent inter-tribal clashes in a struggle for natural resources.however, people in Arab World that have been accustomed to the charms of secular life for decades are becoming increasingly concerned about the spread on their soil of the Wahhabi model of social organization that is inherent in the Arab world's current chief "integrators," and that significantly inhibits the "drive for integration" by Doha and Riyadh. we are witnessing a radical political transformation. After all, it clearly is impossible to create a strong and competitive Europe without weakening its nation-states.